A message for our evangelical friends - Restored.org
Christ's Restored Gospel
The Bible and Modern Revelation
Christ's Restored Church
- What did Jesus mean when he said "I will build my church?"
- What was the rock upon which Christ's church was founded?
- What does Matthew 16:18 mean in saying that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church?
- Did the New Testament foretell an apostasy?
- Did the Reformers believe that an apostasy had occurred?
- In 1820, God spoke to Joseph Smith, Jr. telling him not to affiliate with any denomination. Please read the following testimony of Joseph Smith, Jr. Like the Bereans, test what you read by the word of God found in the Bible, and then ask God for direction (Acts 17:11; James 1:5).
- How long were apostles and prophets supposed to remain in Christ's church?
- How could the Ephesian letter say that apostles must continue in the New Testament church when apostles are supposed to be those who directly observed Christ's ministry here on earth?
- What are the primary doctrines of Christ's church?
- How were men saved prior to Sinai, under the Mosaic law and after the cross?
- Was there a church in both the Old and New Testaments?
- In the Old and New Testament churches, was there a priesthood of all believers?
- In the Old and New Testament churches, were there ministerial offices?
- In Christ's church, should men simply call themselves to offices of minstry?
- How are ministers to be ordained in Christ's church?
- In both churches, were there holy ordinances that only ministers performed?
- Why does Jude 1:11 warn us that Korah's rebellion will occur again?
- Isn't Christ the only mediator between God and me?
- Doesn't Hebrews 7:12 say that ministerial priesthoods ended at the cross?
- Doesn't Hebrews 7:24 say that Christ's priesthood was untransferable?
- Will there be ministerial priests in Christ's church in the last days?
For further information, you may want to read the following